Tuesday, October 22, 2019

GenerEOS - Open Source Voting Portal Dalam Exchange

GenerEOS - Open Source Voting Portal Dalam Exchange

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Kandidat Block Producer GenerEOS, EOS Rio, shEOS dan Node One telah bekerjasama sebagai tim yang bertujuan untuk mendemokratisasikan dan merampingkan/ memudahkan proses pemungutan suara/ voting didalam exchange. Kami telah mengimplementasikan sebuah Open-source gratis end-to-end framework proses voting yang dapat digunakan oleh setiap exchange dengan proses integrasi yang minimal, dan menawarkan pengguna mereka untuk dapat berpartisipasi dalam proses voting EOS block producer.

Blockchain EOS adalah delegasi proof of stake (delegated proof of stake (DPOS) dengan jumlah aktif 21 Block producers (BPs)  yang mengamankan dan mengatur jaringan blockchain EOS. Diatas semua produsen aktif (active Block producers) itu ada ratusan kandidat produsen blok yang bersaing untuk menjadi produsen aktif. Pemegang EOS (Holder EOS) dapat melakukan voting sampai dengan 30  produsen block (block producer) favorit mereka sesuai dengan jumlah EOS yang mereka stake. Artinya voting EOS = stake EOS. 21 produsen block dengan jumlah vote terbanyak pada waktu tertentu, secara otomatis ditetapkan sebagai produsen blok aktif.

Dengan ribuan jumlah kandidat dari produsen block yang dapat dipilih, hal itu dapat membuat kewalahan bagi beberapa anggota komunitas untuk memutuskan BP (Block producer) produsen block mana yang akan mereka vote/ pilih. Mengapa demikian ?. Hal ini dikarekan mereka harus melakukan riset dalam setiap tim produsen block atau atau mendelegasikan kekuatan suara (voting power dari stake EOS) mereka ke proxy dengan filosofi pemungutan suara yang sejalan/ sesuai dengan nilai-nilai produsen block yang mereka vote/ pilih.

Salah satu dari opsi pemungutan suara/ voting produsen block di atas mengharuskan pengguna untuk memiliki kontrol aktif dari akun EOS mereka untuk melakukan vote on-chain. Dikarenakan banyaknya pemegang EOS (Holder EOS) yang menyimpan token EOS mereka pada exchange kripto, maka mereka tidak dapat menggunakan token mereka untuk melakukan voting dan hal tersebut sangat disayangkan karena menjadikan holder eos yang menyimpan eos mereka didalam exchange tidak bisa melakukan vote, padalah voting dari Holder EOS merupakan  komponen penting dari proses tata kelola jaringan blockchain EOS.

Beberapa exchange memiliki cara pemungutan suara/ voting yang terintegrasi,  namun adapula exchange yang hanya memilih BP/ produsen block yang mereka sukai atau yang berafiliasi dengan exchange mereka, sementara exchange lainnya menghindari proses voting dengan sama sekali tidak memilih/ voting BP/ produsen blok.

Framework Open-source Gratis

Framework ini terdiri dari beberapa komponen perangkat lunak yang dapat dipasang oleh departemen IT  pada infrastruktur server exchange mereka sendiri dan dikonfigurasikan dengan upaya minimal untuk menyediakan portal pemungutan suara/ voting yang konsisten, dapat disesuaikan, dan mudah digunakan bagi pengguna.

  • Mudah untuk dipasang dan diintegrasika kedalam portal exchange yang telah ada.
  • Mudah untuk dikonfigurasikan dan dikostumisasi.
  • Mudah digunakan bagi pengguna exchange.
  • Telah support dengan manajemen voting/ kombinasi voting baik itu dari voting akun hot dan cold wallet.
  • Manajemen voting yang aman dari key EOS / telah support dengan pemungutan suara dan sesuai dengan standar keamanan terbaik.
  • Notifikasi yang Real-time - integrasi dengan jejaring sosial seperti slack / yammer (v2).

Tampilan Voting Pengguna

Tampilan Voting Pengguna
Kerangka kerja/ Framework ini menyediakan kode boilerplate untuk mengintegrasikan tampilan antarmuka pengguna untuk daftar dan pemilihan/ voting produsen blok/ proxy serta rincian suara pengguna yang dimilikinya untuk exchange. Untuk mempermudah proses integrasi dengan portal exchange, kami menyediakan template UI/  template tampilan pengguna  dalam framework front-end populer yang variatif.

Tampilan pengguna sudah termasuk dengan contoh kode otentifikasi yang akan diimplementasikan dan disesuaikan menurut pengguna portal exchange. Front-end voting akan berkomunikasi dengan back-end voting secara terpisah dengan otentifikasi yang berjalan diantara dua komponen ini. Hal ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa framework ini benar-benar terpisah dari back-end infrasutruktur utama exchange. Dalam versi pertama, pengguna hanya akan dapat memilih/ voting pada akun proxy secara sederhana. Pengguna juga dapat menelusuri daftar akun proxy dan melihat filosofi masing-masing akun dan tautan yang relevan dengan proxy tersebut.

Tampilan Voting Admin

Admin Exchange
Kerangka kerja/ Framework ini mencakup tampilan antarmuka pengguna yang sederhana untuk keperluan administrasi. Modul ini dapat digunakan untuk:

  1. Data Back-end daftar proxy dengan total suara voting mereka (tersusun berurutan berdasarkan dengan jumlah suara yang dipilih oleh pengguna exchange).
  2. Menyajikan statistik dasar: contohnya; berapa banyak pengguna exchange yang telah berpartisipasi dalam proses pemungutan suara/ voting, berapa total voting EOS gabungan yang dimiliki para pengguna dalam exchange.
  3. Menyajikan dan mengelola daftar akun exchange dengan rekomendasi pemungutan suara yang dirumuskan oleh sistem back-end berdasarkan pada jumlah EOS yang di stake (EOS yang di voting) di masing-masing akun dan suara yang diterima untuk berbagai proxy.
  4. Hasil transaksi untuk memilih semua akun exchange yang dikelola berdasarkan rekomendasi pemungutan suara/ voting yang berhasil.
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Akun Proxy Unggulan

Sebagai langkah untuk memastikan adil dan pemungutan suara yang beragam secara geografis untuk produsen blok, tim pengembangan framework akan menawarkan 5 posisi proxy yang dipilih sebelumnya atau unggulan proxy di bagian atas dari daftar proxy yang ditampilkan.

Nilai Utama Pilihan Proxy:
  • Keanekaragaman Geografis;
  • Kompetensi Teknis;
  • Partisipasi komunitas;
  • Kekuatan proxy dalam jaringan ; dan
  • Pengembangan Alat proxy.

EOS Membutuh ini !

Dalam keadaan EOS Mainnet saat ini, sangat penting bahwa exchange menerapkan kerangka kerja ini sehingga puluhan ribu pemegang token EOS di bursa dapat berkontribusi pada jaringan rantai blockchain EOS. Hal ini akan menciptakan demokrasi digital dan kesehatan keseluruhan dari rantai jaringan EOS yang di inginkan kita semua sebagai Holder EOS.

Bagaimana anda bisa membantu ?

Kami saat ini sedang dalam pembicaraan dengan beberapa exchange utama dan sedang memperbagus kode open-source untuk menghasilkan adopsi dan integrasi yang lebih mudah. Kami membutuhkan dukungan komunitas sebanyak mungkin untuk menyelesaikan ini. Silakan informasikan exchange anda untuk mengadopsi kerangka kerja open source gratis ini dan sampaikan pada mereka untuk menghubungi kami. Jika Anda memiliki kontak di bursa exchange, silakan teruskan kontak tersebut ke eosvotegroup@genereos.io

Open-source Framework — Github
Ikuti Diskusi kami di — Telegram!

Ikuti Kami


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Tulis comments
March 8, 2020 at 3:20 AM

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November 29, 2020 at 8:41 AM

Blockchain-based Digital currency is solid, fast and smart digital gold

Do you know that major companies in all over the world are investing in cryptocurrency? The company called MicroStrategy, listed on NASDAQ, is a solid mid-sized company that has been established for over 30 years. And the company has a market capitalization over $1.3 billion. And shockingly, this company invested more than 80% of their assets in digital coin.

“This investment reflects on our belief in digital currency. our investment is part of our new capital allocation strategy, which seeks to maximize long-term value for our shareholders,” said Michael J. Taylor,CEO,MicroStrategy Incorporated. “this is a reliable store of value and an attractive investment asset with the more long-term appreciation potential than holding cash.”

another people and companies behind blockchain technology are MIT, Andreesen Horowitz, Tim Draper, Mark Cuban, JP Morgan and the thousand of smart computer science and math engineers. many people agree that cryptocurrency is called digital gold, stronger and smarter thank any other existing money. If those very smart and brilliant people are supporting blockchain, why don’t you get to learn and invest in cryptocurrency?

If you are looking for reliable digital coin that you can get to learn and invest, here is the recommendation, BINT Protocol. This is the web application provides specific materials and information regarding blockchain development and an enhanced developing environment so that any users can create their own network in an hour.

This company will officially go public December this year with the total supply 8 million BINT. the finance of sold BINT so far will be used for develop platforms, operations, business and marketing and during the third and fourth quarter of this year, BINT blockchain will be pre-sold and Explorer and wallet will be launched.

If you would like to know more about it, go check it out:

December 11, 2020 at 11:22 AM

MedicalVeda trading competition LIVE now, WIN 3900 MVEDA ($6000) Every Day!
Exciting competitions to win easy prizes every day! Running till End Dec 2020! Participate in any of these Easy Competitions
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December 15, 2020 at 10:23 AM

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December 24, 2020 at 8:04 AM

TokenView.Finance provides #DEX #traders advanced analytics and real-time visibility into trades, combined with limit-orders - for UniSwap initially, then using a DEX aggregator to spread trades across multiplex DEXes.

TokenView will also provide portfolio style management of all #ERC20 #tokens. Top Stats and Whale Stats features are currently live on the alpha preview site, as well as the ability to set price alerts for those tokens

December 27, 2020 at 12:03 AM

The Theta Edge Cache Node allows users to earn the #TFUEL #cryptocurrency by using their spare #internet bandwidth to share video streams in the background.

December 27, 2020 at 5:20 AM

yPAXG is Defi token backed by PAXG which is infact backed by real Gold regulated by Paxos Trust Company.
Unlike many farming defi coins, yPAXG is backed by PAXG therefore it will always be stable
with market price of real gold per 1 oz(ounce)

Christmas sale is going on
1yPAXG= 1PAXG -1800, Only 100yPAXG For Sale (First Come First Serve)

Also Claim 180$ worth Free Airdrop by doing Airdrop bot tasks

December 28, 2020 at 8:09 PM

Neverlose.money is a lock-up smart contract that enables users to lock-up their long-term cryto assets and earn bonus whenever some users withdraw their funds within the lock-up period

January 8, 2021 at 11:03 AM

The Value #DeFi protocol is a platform and suite of products that aim to bring fairness, true value, and innovation to #Decentralized #Finance.
to know more visit: http://valuedefi.io/
Twitter: @value_defi
Telegram: https://t.me/ValueDeFi

January 12, 2021 at 2:52 AM

Vær Deg Magazine
Vær Deg is a #magazine designed to be a helpful guide that provides readers with valuable advice, tips, and actionable information for digital nomads and #investors

- We talk about the countries that offer the most advantages to be installed in them
- We also do not forget those who want to plan their retirement and are considering moving to another place different from their country of residence.
- We publish real estate and #cryptocurrencies market news, rates, reports, investment trends, and industry data.

To know more visit https://vaerdeg.com

January 22, 2021 at 10:20 AM

Building a Secure and Scalable platform for Consumers & Merchants
Our revolutionary #blockchain is designed to give you that extra edge
to use cryptos in real world.

Now you can buy consumable items from your nearby merchants with
#White_Pigeon tokens.
Website: https://whitepigeon.network/
Telegram: https://t.me/WhitePigeonOfficial

January 24, 2021 at 10:15 AM

#ICH It is a digital #currency to support #inventors and preserve their rights with smart and innovative solutions .

January 25, 2021 at 8:29 PM

"HODL Your Crypto!" "Cryptochips Are The Highest Quality Crypt Coins"
#Cryptochips designs the highest quality #physical_crypto coins on the market! Each coin is custom produced using a unique die casting process. The material used is a high quality iron that ensures the coin's longevity and gives it it's signature weight. Once the coin is cleaned and polished, it is plated with either a gold or silver finish. They measure 40mm in diameter, 3mm in thickness, and are 100% brandless.

January 26, 2021 at 4:43 AM

We have received reports that #CONSBIT has been seized by the police following fraud allegations. Do exercise caution with your funds.

CONSBIT exchange seized after 99% trading volume allegedly faked

Police claim that wash trading and market manipulation by the owner and management team of the CONSBIT exchange

largest #cryptocurrency exchange, Coinsbit, has been seized by police following fraud allegations. According to an Jan. 21 report, 99% of transaction volume on the exchange was faked through wash trading.

The Metropolitan Police searched and confiscated a number of properties, including CONSBIT Global gateway 8, Rue de la parked Providence , Mahe, Seychelles

Consbit owner, Chairman and his management team are accused of inflating transaction volumes and manipulating token prices using a number of ghost accounts.

We received many complaints that CONSBIT #fraud by listing new token and suspending from the platform after receiving the payment in fraudulent ways

January 31, 2021 at 11:05 AM

YPro.Finance is a DeFi project. Right now we are working on developing and launching three main products - yield farming platform (YPro.Farm) - official public launch 25 February 2021, token staking platform (YPro.Stake) and a protocol for exchanging ERC-20 tokens (YPro.Swap).

YPRO token holders will be able to earn passive returns by depositing and locking up YPRO and uniswap LPs tokens to our farms or by staking these tokens. In the future there will be more options to get reward, because we're planning to launch YPro.Governance, YPro.Vaults and YPro.Lending and YPro.Borrow platforms.

YPro Farm launch information:

YPro.Farm platform is nearly completed and will be officialy launch to public on 25 February 2021. (After YPro Token sale)
It is a DeFi App, being technically supported with smart contract YPro Farm Token (YPF).
Anyone holding Uniswap LP tokens can stake those LP tokens into the corresponding initial list of pools. Once done, they will start earning YPF tokens as reward.
The list of eligible LP tokens can be added per on-chain governance.

At every block, 150 YPF tokens will be created. These tokens will be equally distributed to the stakers of each of the supported pools.

Important! As the introductory launch offer, the platform will generate 4x more YPF rewards per block (600 YPF) during the first 7 days after launch, divided by the proportional share of the pool. The exception to this will be “YPRO/YPRO” pool which will have a 4x proportional share as compared to other pools. After 7 days, the reward will be set to 150 YPF per block.

Check short video presenting how our farm works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIVJLpKWvfI (test mode)

YPRO Tokenomics:

Name: YPro Token
Symbol: YPRO
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 250,000 YPRO
Starting price (Stage I): 0.7$
Smart Contract: 0x067085aA0FF4e97A3C61BF06DE618E0aAe11DBc2

February 10, 2021 at 11:45 PM

Farming and Get more reward with pyschic NFT card in predict market !

Hi all, is your life dull and boring?
Now is the time to spicy it up with a bit of magic!

Find out about Psychic.Finance:
A project that plans to take your destiny to levels not seen before:
Start Farming Now! And start making passive money!
That's all!! You can start moving the market to your own tune with PSY power to predict market via betting
Get higher rewards with using Psychic NFT card!

Still waiting? Hurry up!

February 11, 2021 at 8:29 AM

This new HOT ICO has a 5000% growth potential in 7 weeks . HEDGE4.Ai token is $0.005 Buy it now.
Regester Here: http://rapid-evolution.com/register.aspx?u=1010
Follow instructions on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x-2sXM6qwc
DeFi ICO airdrop https://hedge4.ai/

February 16, 2021 at 9:26 AM

Changing the advertising industry through innovative
reward advertising.
#Moveo (MOVE) powers-up LoyalCrowd.io ad network to
increase fan engagement and to give the possibility to
fans to monetize their time #invested into ads.
Watch the video here https://youtu.be/UIK9dfiIl90
Visit website: https://loyalcrowd.io/en/moveo

February 17, 2021 at 7:37 AM

The Neulaut project is The autonomous logistics on the blockchain for efficiency in the supply chain, shipping and transportation industry. The Neulaut Project combines #blockchain with AI and IoT devices to automate traceability and instantaneously approve financial transactions in the shipping industry. Blockchain-enabled IoT devices give logistics companies better insights into environmental conditions and transfer-of-custody processes.

February 20, 2021 at 11:33 AM

Looking for an alt coin with the potential for 10,000x returns? Check out BTG (Bitcoin Gold). It’s about to explode 10-100x in the next few days. Potentially Life changing money! Lookup BTG and buy today!! #bitcoin

February 22, 2021 at 8:34 AM

#Hemp Finance develops a DeFi protocol for the digitization, management, and financing of Start-ups and projects in the legal industry of #Medicalcannabis and Industrial #Hemp

February 23, 2021 at 9:03 AM

Cheaper and faster than Uniswap? Discover Lotus Finance, the leading DEX on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). To know more visit: https://lotusfinance.org/

February 24, 2021 at 9:02 AM

Brace yourselves to be blown away!

The entertainment biz is never going to be the same again! The buzz is that a new token is coming into the market, which will change the way the entertainment industry work. This token is about to bring in a revolution in the world of cinema.

Backed by the Ethereum Blockchain Technology, these tokens are going to be beneficial to the Cinema Stakeholders as well as for the audience as new and fresh content will be produced. The platform will give aspiring talents a platform to showcase their talents in acting, production, direction, cinematography and the likes. The platform gives an opportunity for people from across the world to connect, collaborate and come together to produce remarkable and noteworthy audio-visual content.

Having a blockchain-backed token in the industry ensures that the industry functions seamlessly and the need for a middle man is eliminated. The funds collected through tokens will be divided between stakeholders transparently.

Wondering what the platform and tokens will be called? Coliseum! Exploring new avenues of the entertainment business and leading the way, Coliseum tokens are set to take the industry by surprise. It is going to build the bridge between stakeholders and talents and remove geographical barriers because in the end only entertainment matter.

Website: https://coliseumtokens.io/

February 27, 2021 at 10:31 PM

MarvelSwap is a decentralized cross-chain farming protocol running on the Binance Smart Chain, allowing our community of superheroes to earn and compound rewards seamlessly.

Our superhero community can stake our Marvel Token (MVL) alongside several others to earn our yield farming community token (YMIR) + (WBNB) and (CAKE).

Easily accessible pools
Single token staking pools
Cheap transaction fees
24-hour lock up with no withdrawal penalties or fees!

Getting Super Powers
Becoming a super hero is a fairly straight forward process :
⚡️Swap your tokens
Use our swap protocol to exchange your Binance Chain native tokens for $MVL or any token of your choice.

Enter the yield farms of Asgard to earn $MVL , $BNB & $YMIR rewards by Staking, and compound these gains by ascending to the multi-yield Asgardian pools.

Win big by supporting our community early on by promoting, providing points of community discussion & participating in upcoming events !

The Super Hero yield farming community on the Binance Smart Chain 🦸‍♂️🪐. We provide our superhero farmers with exceptional yield farming rewards and staking opportunities

Telegram : https://t.me/MarvelswapOfficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marvel_swap
Gitbook: https://marvelswap.gitbook.io/marvelswap/

February 28, 2021 at 9:18 AM


#BSC #Games is decentralized gaming platform on the #Binance Smart Chain hence the name BSC Games,
it is owned by no one nor present in any physical location
but owned by everyone holding the platform BSCG #token.

The concept behind BSC Games is to turn gaming from just leisure activity to a cash cow.
BSC Games will redefine the idea of online betting and casino generally by offering peer to peer
competitive board and video games.

Players will be able to play for leisure and at the same time compete against each other to earn in board games
like snooker, scrabble, ludo and lots more. Also video games such as car racing, combat, shooting
and strategy games and many others. Sport games like soccer, tennis and so many fun filled games.
to know more visit: https://bscgames.win

March 1, 2021 at 3:36 AM

FarSwap(FAR) IEO on ChainX
FarSwap is a software running on ethereum Blockhain that seeks to incentivize a network of users to operate a platform where users can Lend, borrow, buy and sell Crypto assets and earn massive rewards.
visit: https://farswap.com/
How to buy FarSwap?
Watch: https://youtu.be/h2SVfsSOqyg

To know more visit

March 2, 2021 at 8:34 AM

#Sting #Defi is based on NFT Gaming Project. User will able to buy #gaming characters using Sting defi. its currently supply of 100k on #binance chain system. its already listed on Pancakeswap swap.
more exchanges soon will be launch.
Website: https://stingdefi.yfiigold.finance/

March 5, 2021 at 8:55 AM

Power Corp through the introduction of its Power Coin (PKOIN)) has designed a platform that uses a stable coin and #blockchain technology to allow clients to tokenize borrow and trade their digital and physical assets.

March 6, 2021 at 9:10 AM

View the g9tro #Crowdfunding Platform (G9TRO) price live in US dollar (USD).
Today's value and price history. Discover info about #market cap, #trading volume and supply.
To know more visit: https://coinranking.com/coin/jYnaCl10y+g9trocrowdfundingplatform-g9tro

March 7, 2021 at 9:11 AM

Start Mining Bitcoin @ https://bitminer.eu
with your Device GPU.

#bitminer #bitcoin #btc #cpu #mining #mine #crypto

March 8, 2021 at 6:28 AM

Bitgesell is another crypto like #bitcoin.
The main difference is:

Halvening is every year
Transaction burn rate of 90%

This is the website: https://bitgesell.ca/
Telegram is: https://t.me/bitgesellofficial

We are currently in an challenge:
From $2 to $10000
The price per coin is 2 cents. You can buy 100*BGL with 2$
At $100 you will have $10k

Also I am giving away 0.10BGL for every new Member

March 8, 2021 at 9:08 AM

$SAFEMOON - did you miss FEG? This might be your second chance!
New coin/token

Simple yet POWERFUL Tokenomics!

♻️5% of all trades are redistributed to holders 🔓5% of all trades are auto-locked inside liquidity provider on PancakeSwap

⚠️Set slippage to 11%⚠️

Tentative To-do list (ongoing):

🤍 = to-do 💛 = in progress 💚 = completed

💚 - Contract launched 💚 - Initial Website Design 💚 - Presale on DxSale 💚 - Presale concluded 💚 - Liquidity locked for 4 years 💚 - Website updated 💛 - Marketing 💛 - CoinMarket Cap listing 💛 - Coingecko listing 🤍 - NFT derivative conceptualization 🤍 - NFT contest and giveaway 🤍 - Listing on other Exchanges

Buy $SAFEMOON on pancakeswap
Token Contract - 0x8076c74c5e3f5852037f31ff0093eeb8c8add8d3

Telegram: t.me/safemoonV2
Website: https://safemoon.xyz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/safemoon
Medium: https://safemoon.medium.com/

March 9, 2021 at 7:23 AM

Similar to fixed deposits offered by banks, Pcity participants have to stake their assets to earn rewards. The rewards are based in proportion to the total assets staked by the participant. The incentives earned as part of this program are deposited into the wallet address provided by the participant after they have claimed them on the platform.

Pcity is a deflationary, stakeable token with an initial supply of 80M tokens. When the community transacts PCY tokens, 4% of the total transaction will be distributed among the stakers and the other 4% will be staked.

The income is generated through the transaction that will be distributed among the stakers. The burning process goes on until 4 million coins are left.

PCY token makes use of a more realistic model, one that is capable of providing good long-term returns. Your earning is not fixed with the Pcity network.

Visit: https://www.pcity.finance/
Telegram: @pcityfinance
Twitter: @PcityF

March 9, 2021 at 10:26 AM

#Psychic token is crypto-based upon a model that combines innovative farming and nft.
Using the #Binance Smart chain, it consists of three markets: #Farming, #NFT, and Predict.

March 9, 2021 at 10:44 PM

Jet-Bot for Binance: the best #crypto copy #trading platform to earn money online safely!
Social trading. Passive income 2.0
A matching platform where you can copy best traders on Binance 24/7 automatically. Demo accounts with $100,000 virtual portfolio are available. 3 days free trial. No credit card required. Try out for free

March 11, 2021 at 6:24 AM

Go9Tro Wireless Increases Global Accessibility to Digital Currency Exchanges and Blockchain Economy
Worlds First Cryptocurrency Wireless Service Provider Token

March 17, 2021 at 7:20 AM

The start of the #OuroSwap project came about in July 2020. After our team, at the time just a ragtag group of developers who all worked in the same company, saw the growth of #Uniswap, we felt like we could push space in a new direction using the fantastic protocol design that Uniswap as set in motion for the crypto space while improving on it with its own spin. The OuroSwap team felt like it could push the protocol even further on the space with new functionalities and using every tool in the Defi ecosystem.
Website: https://ouroswap.com/
Medium: https://medium.com/@ouroswap
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OuroSwap
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/TdjJUHCsSYWLrrah

March 19, 2021 at 1:20 PM

#DeroGold is an innovative privacy coin focused on helping save the planet through recycling and upcycling.
Website: https://DeroGold.com
Medium: https://derogold.medium.com/
youtube: https://youtube.com/c/DeroGold

March 19, 2021 at 11:23 PM

👇The Future of Decentralized Finance is here!👇

Introducing DCTDAO, the most interconnected Polkadot Moonbeam Highly Secured Quantum Proof Decentralized Exchange (DEX) with Gas-less feature and more.

👩‍🚀Lets pioneer the future of DeFi with DCTDAO!👩‍🚀
Get and hold DCTD Tokens to earn, trade, govern and more!
Be amongst the first to learn how to get DCTD in the upcoming Public Sale by filling the form in our website at:

🌎 Website : https://dctdao.org/

🗣Don't miss a beat!🗣
Make sure to join our telegram channel for the latest news:
📲Telegram : https://t.me/dctdao

March 22, 2021 at 7:13 AM

Micro crypto that i like -----that gives you opportunity to make millions ----- because they have low market cap ----- (YEED) yggdrash, (MICRO) Micromines, (TIC) Thingschain, (DATP) Decentralized Asset Trading Platform, (NRP) Neural Protocol , (NDX) nDex, (ZNT) Zenswap Network Token, (FTXT) FUTURAX ------low cap crypto can give you life changing riches, LOW CAP CRYPTO EQUAL ROLLS-ROYCE'S AND MANSION ----- for very small investment ------ between 50 - 300 dollars

March 27, 2021 at 1:48 AM

Introducing the #diamond #token.

Diamonds are rare gems and very expensive. The digital version should to. You have a chance to own one.


5000 DIAMOND Max Supply
1000 DIAMOND to Investors
3500 DIAMOND will be for Farming/pools
500 DIAMOND for Marketing/Liquidity/Admin use

DIAMOND Token Utility

1. Staking pools will be setup to farm 3500 tokens.
2. Profits from farming projects will be used to buy off Diamond tokens and holders can claim other tokens with it.
3. LP tokens will be locked to guarantee and prevent RUG PULL.

How to get DIAMOND Token
More Details https://diamondtoken.cash/

March 29, 2021 at 5:17 AM

#Earn #BitCoin with our cloud #mining services.
We have the best performance since 2018.

April 1, 2021 at 7:42 AM

Panther Token: (PANTHER)
Brand new, only Traded on Uniswap about to be listed on CMC and Coingecko. (any day now)
-$PANTHER is a deflationary animal coin, which is trying to help animals in need with every transaction.

-Total Supply 1 000 000 000 (1 Billion) Contract Address: 0xd7acaf41361b56b1fdf7bfd866798268c754d82b

-1% of Every Transaction is burned reducing supply, and an addition 1% of every transaction is redistributed to every holder. The more you hold, the more you earn.

-The liquidity is locked with Unicrypt

-0.1% of every transaction is sent to the Aspinall Foundation, a charity trying to halt the extinction of endangered species.

Panther likely falls into the Meme / NFT categories for lack of better crypto segment name. There is a plan to create NFTs.
To know more visit: https://panthertoken.space/
Telegram: @pantherspace

April 3, 2021 at 4:43 AM

#Dogira is a deflationary asset, designed with tangible utility in mind. Gamified #Token Economics lend to Real Rewards for holding, and “buying the dip” – while a vibrant, and developing ecosystem focused towards value-inherent #NFTs and Native Blockchain Gaming ensures that your #coins can look forward to real #investments, and use cases.
Website: https://dogira.net/
Telegram: https://t.me/dogiratoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DogiraOfficial
Discord: https://discord.gg/ZxudAQE3Bh

April 3, 2021 at 11:50 PM

$Naruto2 is building a full feature #NFT mint/marketplace on the #Binance #Smart #Chain, followed by releasing its sister token $BRUTO which will enable farming including farming with #NFTs.
More info: https://medium.com/bscnaruto

April 4, 2021 at 10:35 PM

Project Senpai is a unique collection of rare NFT Waifus that are Cryptocurrency themed. Every NFT is part of different collections that can be redeemed to receive higher tier rarity Limited NFTs!
#Chibi #Waifu #NFTs and physical watercolour collectibles themed as your favorite #cryptocurrencies
Website: https://projectsenp.ai/

April 6, 2021 at 9:08 AM

Invest in the upcoming ICO http://pnpcoin.hk/
which is launched by http://www.heliosgroups.com/
one of the leading wealth management company.

#investment #ico #nft #nfts #bitcoin #cryptocurrency

April 19, 2021 at 2:39 PM

PNP Coin is a platform developed by www.heliosgroups.com for the future of funding that is built on top of the blockchain.
It has the future to become one of the leading cryptocurrencies in the world produced by heliosgroups
PNP Coin is going to launch the ICO on May Get 50% bonus
More info: https://pnpcoin.hk/

May 23, 2021 at 2:43 AM

Crypto Gaming Alliance Starts CGA Coin’s PRE-SALE.
Eco-system of Crypto Gaming Alliance based on encrypted currency takes their first step.

July 28, 2021 at 10:20 AM

#MEREO The #cryptocurrency that cares. #Invest in a #DeFi project that gives back to charitable causes. Be the change you want to see and make a difference.
Buy Tokens: https://www.mereotoken.com

August 2, 2021 at 3:30 AM

Learn. Play. Hold. Earn
Get educated. Get crypto daily
The DAT revolution:
Automated #Bitcoin #earnings without hardware or LP #staking!
more info here: https://dontapethis.com/

August 23, 2021 at 9:00 AM

Finally Lady Shiba is born!
The youngest daughter
of DogeCoin & ShibaInu
"Lady Shiba" is the youngest daughter of Doge Coin & Shiba Inu. It's the first token to use disruptive technologies like "augmented reality", "blockchain and "machine learning"
to change the crypto metaverse.

She is Hyper-deflationary with an integrated smart staking system built in to reward you,
so more "Lady Shiba" coins are being automatically added to your wallet each transaction.

Simply Love, pet, and watch your "Lady Shiba" grow.
To know more visit: https://www.ladyshiba.site/

#ico #coin #dogcoin #bnb #bsc #nft #nfts

September 3, 2021 at 10:58 AM

🍼You Can’t Trust Much, But You CAN TrustBaby ! - LOW MC - Passive Income - Ready to Moon! 🚀
🍼$ TBABY: The first token to reward TRUST WALLET TOKENS automatically 🍼

- Stealth Launched:

TrustBaby is a community driven DeFi Token, with Trust Wallet Tokens (TWT) being rewarded to every single holder, every single hour! 🚀

Devs are always active 24/7 in chat, and in call to answer any and every single question!

Just listed on BabySwap! BabySwap Bottle Grand program applied for!
Exchanges like ApeSwap & FEGExchange coming soon as well! 🍼

Total Supply: 💰1,000,000,000 🚀
Token Type: Binance Smart Chain (BSC)/BEP-20
Available on 🥞 PancakeSwap
Liquidity is 🔐 LOCKED🔐

🍼Tokenomics include:
- 3% Auto Liquidity Pool
- 9% Automatic Redistribution in $TWT
- 5% Marketing Wallet

Check out $TBABY right now, get in while it’s still cheap to do so, right before we get to the moon, HODL, and enjoy the passive income, better than any other token rewards, and better than any banking institution out there!

🍼Join the 💎Diamond Handed 💎BabySitters Club for even more rewards! 🍼

💬Telegram: @trustbabybsc
🌐Website: https://trustbaby.net/
🐤Twitter: @trustBabyBsc
🍼 TikTok: @ZMRYnwFJM/
👶Facebook: @trustbabybsc

📈 Start trading now! CA = 0x36903e74b2cc3b7a660bef773732b7cf816e32d6

🍼 Influencers coming in
🚀 Dextools trending packages
👩‍🍼Ads ads and more ads!
👶 Exchanges: BabySwap, ApeSwap, FEGExchange
💩Poocoin and Coinvote ads are LIVE
🦎CoinGecko and CoinmarketCap APPLIED for!
🦍Community of diamond handed apes committed to taking this token to the moon!

October 4, 2021 at 9:33 AM

FuLion NFT Series is coming out soon on October 28th, 2021.

This is one series you don't want to miss! All NFTs are done PFP Style!

The Lion's Den is populated by 10,000 Lion's

Each Originally hand-drawn Unique Lion live's on the Etherium Blockchain.

100% Unique!Each FuLION is a one-of-a-kind unique lion that is generated with its own characteristics and traits.Become A Member of the PRIDEAll FuLION’s are a member of the PRIDE and get exclusive access to breed, battle and live in Lion’s Den found in the FuLION NFT MetaVerse Game


10%: The Cub Shower- Celebrate the first week with a newborn special gift
25%: The Circle of Life- Each FuLION will receive a Marsupial Lion Companion
50%: Warm for the Winter- The Merch Store is Open!
75%: Welcome Home Party- Introduction of the FuLION NFT MetaVerse Game (Similar to Axie)
100%: The Pride Arrives- Introduction of FuLION NFT Generation Two!

The series will be on OpenSea after the launch of all 10,000 lions is complete.

Don't miss these precious little lions as they will allow each owner access to the FuLION NFT Metaverse game! The best part is you can use your FuLION NFT to create an additional five new lions in the game which are also NFT's that can be sold in the FuLION NFT Marketplace!

More information FuLION NFT Series on https://zeep.ly/29MHA

April 5, 2022 at 8:30 AM

💰 T10 Yield Fox Official Announce 💵 Auto Staking 💵 Auto Compounding 💵 Rebase rewards every 10 minutes.💸 Buy-Hold-Earn💸 Get Lifetime Access to High APY 1,284,615.72%💸 Yield Fox NFT Airdrop - 365 times a year for Yield Fox Holder will random give away, 🤩value 0.1-10 BNB. The rarity of 📈NFTs is based on the growth in the number of Yield Fox Holder.

💲We also have activities running on the telegram get 10% more Token when participating in the event.
✅Audit&KYC by Coinsult -
✅Liquidity locked for 75 years.
✅No Private Sale Token.

Website: https://www.yieldfox.co
Telegram: @t10yieldfox

April 24, 2022 at 1:50 PM

Making the best Rissotto with our Robot Chef

RissottoFinance will be launching the first signal-based crypto spot trading powered by artificial intelligence this coming 25th April 2022.

These AI trade robots are automated trading maxhines where AI makes trades based on several neural networks across the entire market. A user is notified throughout how the AI robots select cryptocurrencies, enter and exit in paper trades.

Our AI robots scan thousands of cryptocurrencies in search of patterns that indicate buy or sell signals real-time 24/7. These AI robots include the use of a trailing stop exit from a position. The goal of these AI robots is to increase average profit and decrease average loss through predictive stop-lost profiling for every different cryptocurrency.

Throughout our beta test over the last 3 months, our undeniable track record in the cryptocurrency market has accurately predicted the last week within two percent of the actual decline. For instance, the last two month when the crypto market dropped by 20% but our AI robots showed a potential gain of 3-14%, averaging 89.9% success rate. In the long run, we aspire to achieve a success rate of 68.4 – 72.5% for all our trades.

Our vsionary Chef Carluccio of RissottoFinance “We are extremely delighted to use this new ingredient to make our Rissotto the best! Once the user decides how much per trade, the rest is simply done for them.” In other words, our artificial intelligence then predicts breakout and target prices in real-time, backtests the pattern, and provides other relevant cryptocurrency trading information before exciting them automatically. RissottoFinance is currently connected to and available to users holding account/s in Huobi (global), Kucoin, FTX and Binance.

Subscription services for AI machine trading will begin next Monday, 25 Apr 2022 @ rissotto.finance or rissot.to for an equivalent of 100USD per month plus a flat fee of 5% on realised profitable trades payable in RSOT (RissottoToken), probably the lowest in the entire market.

Join our conversation @rissotto_finance and watch out for our next debut of yield farming/pools!

About RissottoFinance

RissottoFinance is a self-sustaining etherum-based multi-chain eco-system liquidity mining, crypto-staking, automated AI trading and uncollateralized lending protocol. Our goals are to level financial playing field through democratised lending, decentralised financial services and liberalise artificial intelligence machine to anyone – no more an exclusivity to large financial corporation, striving towards diverse and sustainable investment portfolio through DeFi. We exist in the DeFi space to serve the global crypto community in a way that the typical centralized exchange cannot.

July 22, 2023 at 2:49 AM

How To Generate 10% Daily Earnings In NFT Marketplace
I am an NFT-related expert who tells me the know-how of NFT transactions that earn 10% a day from 10 minutes of investment. Customers who have been taught NFT trading know-how by me are making high profits of 33% per 1 week, 77% per 2 week, and 185% per month.

In fact, JACK, a self-employed man in his 50s who was usually interested in NFTs but didn't even know how to start, met me and made $30,000 into $85,589 in 28 days, Another customer, Alice, an ordinary housewife in her 40s, also learned the know-how from me and made $100,000 into $143,110 in one week through direct NFT transactions, and up to $350,597 in two week (You can check it with the picture attached below.)

If you leave a message to the contact below, Instead of a difficult and complicated way, I'll tell you how to trade NFTs that can earn at least $10,000 to up to $100,000 a month with just a five-minute investment a day.

Facebook : DailyprofitNft
Telegram : @shinekysss
Insta : @daily.profit10per_nft

August 26, 2023 at 12:43 AM

🔬 Transforming Pharma Funding and Patient Access: The Power of Blockchain 🔗

Discover how blockchain is reshaping the pharmaceutical landscape, revolutionizing funding, data sharing, and trust in medical research.
Entrepreneurs and investors, explore opportunities in decentralized medicine, innovation, and patient-centered solutions.

🌐 Read the full article: https://medidao.net/

#BlockchainInHealthcare #DecentralizedMedicine #FutureOfMedicine #Innovation
